Electropolus Ltd
30 Sep 2009 — registered
14 Sep 2007 – registered
Electropolus Ltd successfully works in the market of the mining equipment more than ten years. Consumers of our production are the enterprises of Ukraine, the CIS countries, the European Union and Southeast Asia. Priority directions of activity are: release of completing products and spare parts for the mine electric locomotives; development and release of power low-voltage transformers. Our basic production - power controller KS-304U.
Electropolus Ltd successfully works in the market of the mining equipment more than ten years. Consumers of our production are the enterprises of Ukraine, the CIS countries, the European Union and Southeast Asia. Priority directions of activity are: release of completing products and spare parts for the mine electric locomotives; development and release of power low-voltage transformers. Our basic production - power controller KS-304U.
Electropolus Ltd
Contact Person: Zinaida Kuznetsova
A/B 6075
61068, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tel: +38 057 7544907, +38 057 7515262
Fax: +38 057 7544907
E-mail: elektropolus at mail.ru
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