Forseti, Law Group

01 Oct 2009 — registered

- Consulting on establishing any legal forms of juridical persons.
- Assistance in choosing a type of the company you might want to establish with the focus on the specifics of the sector and nature of relationship between contributing participants.
- Assistance in preparation and correct handling of internal documentation.
- Analysis of different documents on their relevance to the existing legislation.
- Drafting of standard documentation.
- Drafting of different types of contracts (agreements).
- Preparation of the employee instructions and labor contracts.
- Assistance in preparation of claims and statements.
- Verbal consultations on the matters of law.
- Pretrial proceedings (drafting the claims, the pretrial (pre-arbitrary) warnings, business letters, and the letters to the court on the matters of pretrial proceedings).
- Representation in Ukrainian courts (including court of the first instance, court of appeals, court of cassation and the Supreme Court).
- Tracking the executive production.
- Representing Your organization in the negotiations on contracts (agreements) with the appropriate legal diligence.
- Resolution of any other questions, connected with the activity of your business.

Forseti, Law Group

Contact Person: Andriy Kovch

Vodoginna Str., 2, Ap. 209

79017, Lviv, Ukraine

Tel: +38 0322 442673, +38 067 6734987

Fax: +38 0322 442673


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