
11 Jun 2009 — registered

Cleaning company «Cleaning-PRO» created in 2007 year. In spite of young age "Cleaning-PRO" company demonstrates the striking rates of development and had time to conquer authority on territory of all Ukraine. If in 2007 year the amount of company workers counted – 11 persons, then for today in the company a few hundred person’s work in 9 regional centers. "Cleaning-PRO" services are used in Lviv, Rivne, Lutsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnitski, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Luhansk, Odesa.
The carefully built structure of company, sufficient financial resources, highly technological equipment, professional team, allow providing service of the best quality. Work of company is built exceptionally on professionalism of workers. Every worker of "Cleaning-PRO" is a specialist in certain industry and answers the requirements of position which occupies.
"Cleaning-PRO" company – is universal. Our clients can count on the receipt of wide spectrum of services and high quality of professional service.
The amount of our objects grows constantly. Everyday we work above expansion of network of collaboration and partnership. We aim to give our clients as possible greater complex of additional professional services.
For today "Cleaning-PRO" passes to the new step of development. We introduce the service of franchising.


Contact Person: Oksana

Melnykova St., 18a/4

04050, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tel: +38 066 7166642

Fax: +38 044 4894519


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