Marko Ltd
01 Oct 2009 — registered
Marko Ltd, located in Ukraine is one of the leaders of complex port and ship supply, fireproofing service, survival equipment. As the general ship supplier we provide the needs of the ship and its crew with all the necessary, from food stuffs and consumables, rigging, conventional and fire-prevention equipment up to exact devices and power installations.
There are life buoys, pilot and boarding jacob's ladders, aluminum gangways, emergency plasters, emergency mats, pendants with diamond-knots, manual leads, cargo and ladder nets, cargo slings emergency fire motor-pumps, emergency property. Repair and service of the ship equipment and systems, re-examination of ship property.
Categories: Water transport industry, Transportation and delivery
There are life buoys, pilot and boarding jacob's ladders, aluminum gangways, emergency plasters, emergency mats, pendants with diamond-knots, manual leads, cargo and ladder nets, cargo slings emergency fire motor-pumps, emergency property. Repair and service of the ship equipment and systems, re-examination of ship property.
Categories: Water transport industry, Transportation and delivery
Marko Ltd
Contact Person: Sergey Beliy
Kanatnaya Str. 42, Of. 501, Odessa, Ukraine
65125, Odessa, Ukraine
Tel: +38 048 7155517, +38 067 4510266
Fax: +38 0482 344670
E-mail: sergi777 at, sbeliy at
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