01 Oct 2009 — registered
"Fialan" company was founded in 2004 in Ukraine and for the last five years has become one of leaders in the market of rendering consulting services to the East European companies in the territory of China. The list of services which we provide includes: market research, selection of business partners, holding theme workshops and conferences about business trends in China, legal support of transactions.
As of today we have representative offices in China, Russia, Belarus, Poland. In August 2009 company founders took a decision of setting up office in Syria. We are assured that the Middle East is the promising market for introduction of Chinese goods into. Our international team combines the best professionals in jurisprudence, economy, marketing, foreign economic activity fields.
As of today we have representative offices in China, Russia, Belarus, Poland. In August 2009 company founders took a decision of setting up office in Syria. We are assured that the Middle East is the promising market for introduction of Chinese goods into. Our international team combines the best professionals in jurisprudence, economy, marketing, foreign economic activity fields.
Contact Person: Lina Kokozey
Babel Str., 63a
65005, Odessa, Ukraine
Tel: +38 0487 374406, +38 0487 002121
Fax: +38 0487 288788
E-mail: office at, lina at
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