State Research & Development Institute Of The Merchant Marine Of Ukraine
01 Jun 2010 — registered
A leading complex research center on the maritime transport of Ukraine with a 60-year experience of work with ship owners, ports, ship repair and shipbuilding yards on rendering research and development services practically in all problem areas of merchant marine.
By specialists of the institute are developed:
"The Ukrainian Code of Merchant Navigation", "The Program of Stabilization and Development of the River and Sea Transport of Ukraine to the Year 2005".
The Program of perfection of management and development of port facilities of Ukraine.
Documents of delegations of Ukraine for participation in work:
- Assemblies IMO;
- Committee on Safety of Navigation;
- Subcommittees IMO, SLF, DE, FP, MSC, COMSAR, NAV, DDC, BLG
- Working groups EEC of the United Nations
WP.3, SC.3, KBT
- The Danube commission
Collections of tariffs for works and the services given to cargo owners by seaports of Ukraine.
Regulations about National Agency on sea safety of Ukraine.
The design documentation on which are constructed from above 3000 units of the vessels and crafts various purpose, It is made on pilot plant of UkrNIIMF more than 1500 units of the greyfers and other facilities for cargo handling works in ports.
More than 100 complete sets of documents on ecological safety of the enterprises of sea transport and their accessory manufacturers.
In December, 2003 the Quality Management System in the UkrNIIMF is certificated on conformity to ДСТУ ISO 9001-2001.
By specialists of the institute are developed:
"The Ukrainian Code of Merchant Navigation", "The Program of Stabilization and Development of the River and Sea Transport of Ukraine to the Year 2005".
The Program of perfection of management and development of port facilities of Ukraine.
Documents of delegations of Ukraine for participation in work:
- Assemblies IMO;
- Committee on Safety of Navigation;
- Subcommittees IMO, SLF, DE, FP, MSC, COMSAR, NAV, DDC, BLG
- Working groups EEC of the United Nations
WP.3, SC.3, KBT
- The Danube commission
Collections of tariffs for works and the services given to cargo owners by seaports of Ukraine.
Regulations about National Agency on sea safety of Ukraine.
The design documentation on which are constructed from above 3000 units of the vessels and crafts various purpose, It is made on pilot plant of UkrNIIMF more than 1500 units of the greyfers and other facilities for cargo handling works in ports.
More than 100 complete sets of documents on ecological safety of the enterprises of sea transport and their accessory manufacturers.
In December, 2003 the Quality Management System in the UkrNIIMF is certificated on conformity to ДСТУ ISO 9001-2001.
State Research & Development Institute Of The Merchant Marine Of Ukraine
Contact Person: Director - Alexander Lesnik, Ph.D. (Eng.)
15A Lanzheronovskaya St.
65026, Odessa, Ukraine
Tel: +38 048 7411704, +38 048 7413552
Fax: +38 048 7411177
E-mail: unii at
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