Magnetic and Hydraulics Technologies (MHT)

03 Jul 2012 — registered

The company Magnetic and Hydraulics Technologies (MHT) produces high quality magnetic and high-tension separators.

Our roll magnetic separators “Turkenich” allows for making the highest degree of the purification of quartz sand, upgrading of pegmatite, zircon, kyanite.

The barrier magnetic separators “Turkenich” are intended for dry treatment of mineral sands (ilmenite, rutile, staurolite), manganese, pegmatite, garnet and other ores.

The MHT produces drum magnetic separators, corona – electrostatic and triboelectrical separators.

We also perform investigative work on enrichment of raw material as requested by client.

Magnetic and Hydraulics Technologies (MHT)

Contact Person: Arthur Rudytskyi

Bilhorodska st. 10

49005, Dnipro, Ukraine

Tel: +38 (067) 980-99-19, +38 (056) 376-51-16


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