URK Ltd.
05 Mar 2021 — registered, 16 Jun 2021 — updated
URK Ltd. was founded in 1995 and is one of the leaders in the sale and service of cars, sale of spare parts, tires and batteries.
The company owns the Autoaliance service center, which includes Renault car service and a shop that sells auto parts, tires, batteries, car oils and other automotive products.
Wheel tire fitting, diagnostics and battery replacement are also offered.
The company owns the Autoaliance service center, which includes Renault car service and a shop that sells auto parts, tires, batteries, car oils and other automotive products.
Wheel tire fitting, diagnostics and battery replacement are also offered.
URK Ltd.
Contact Person: Roman Svitlyk
Zelena st., 105a
79035, Lviv, Ukraine
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