Dinamo-Silair, Ukrainian-British Joint-Stock Company
09 Nov 2008 — registered
Manufacture road signs, an indication of routs, the main pipelines, tablets the streets and numbers of houses. Except for it the factory has the highly technological equipment for manufacturing metallic cases for clothes, card-index and other safes, racks, a roll-bar with use of powder covering. All production is certificated ISO-9001
Dinamo-Silair, Ukrainian-British Joint-Stock Company
Contact Person: Anatliy Grubert
158, Geroiv Stalingradu str.
49057, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Tel: +38 0562 337088, +38 050 5954491
Fax: +38 056 7774384
E-mail: dinamo-s at ukr.net
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