Chemical reagents plant, Monocrystals Institute
31 May 2010 — registered
The range of the production is very wide:
- the pharmaceutical substances;
- scintillation materials;
- polyphenyle ethers;
- the single crystals and the raw materials for its growing (furnace charges and activators) and also the detectors on a base of SDN and SDP brand;
- the substances that are used in sugar and concentrated milk fields.
- the pharmaceutical substances;
- scintillation materials;
- polyphenyle ethers;
- the single crystals and the raw materials for its growing (furnace charges and activators) and also the detectors on a base of SDN and SDP brand;
- the substances that are used in sugar and concentrated milk fields.
Chemical reagents plant, Monocrystals Institute
Contact Person: Kurenkov Serhey Alexandrovich
Lenina avenue, 25
61166, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tel: +38 057 3410552, +38 057 3410546
Fax: +38 057 7591138
E-mail: sbyt at, office at
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