Enri, Kp

17 Jun 2009 — registered

The company offers:
- Sale of electric equipment for compensation of reactive power and for filtration of supreme harmonic currents.
- Repair, audit, start-up, adjustment and tests of electric equipment DS-10 kV -0,4РєV, relay protection, high-voltage tests.
- Inspection of electric power quality and modes of consumption in loading units, the
recommendation for improvement of electric power quality.
- Calculation, production and installation of supreme harmonic current filters.
- Check of electrosecurity devices (measurement of resistance: of isolation, a loop a
phase-zero, grounding).
- Production, installation, modernization, adjustment, introduction in operation of unit for compensation of reactive power.

Enri, Kp

Contact Person: Khodakovskiy Andrey

Saperne Pole Str., Build. 9-A, Ap.113

01042, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tel: +38 044 3628248, +38 044 5228048

Fax: +38 044 5228148



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